Priestess of the Dance: Dancing Priestesses of Het-Hert - A Sacred Ritual Immersion
Regular price
4PM - 7PM
ATLANTA, GA (North Decatur area - exact address will be given after registration)
This 3 hour ritual immersion is a remembrance of an ancient past when the Goddess Tradition was flourishing and the Priestess (and woman) was revered as sacred.
Tending the temples, the priestess was a practitioner of Sacred Dance, Sacred Sound/Song/Music, High Magic (Alchemy) and Kundalini Cultivation/Activation. Dance, trance, devotion, dreams oracular vision, ecstasy... all sacred pathways to the Divine realms.
The rites, rituals and devotional worship of the Goddess Het-Hert (Het-Heru, Hathor) "The Golden Goddess", "The Lady of The Dance", were very heavily associated with the ritual offering of dance and music. The power of music and dance transported the devotees into an ecstatic encounter with the Divine.
The ecstatic nature of the mystical dancing performed for HER and the states of spiritual ecstasy or spiritual "drunkenness" that it induced were highly valued in the ritual celebrations for Het-Hert.... SHE who is the Goddess of beauty, love, fertility, dance, music, adornment... SHE whose fragrance floods the pillared hall with HER perfume... SHE who is the most sweet smelling among the Goddesses... SHE who is the Mistress of The River... SHE who makes the waters rise!
Sacred Mystical Temple Dance
Serpent Power Moving Meditation & Asana (Gently Activating Kundalini Shakti/Arat Sekhem)
Chanting of Heka (Mantra/Sounds of Power)
Blue Lotus Tea & Tincture + Sacred Feminine Elixir Offering
Oracular Transmission
Sacred Rites & Rituals
A Brass Sistrum from Egypt
A Bottle of Natural Egyptian Perfume
Preserved Green Papyrus Stalk
Blessed Water from The Nile River
No previous experience necessary
Please arrive 15 min early. To honor sacred time, we will begin ON TIME. No one will be admitted 15 min after start time and No Refunds will be issued . Please plan ahead.
We look forward to communing with you in the Goddess Temple of Love!
We dance for your majesty
We exalt you – to the height of heaven.
You are the Mistress of Sekhem, the menat and the sistrum
The Mistress of Music for whose ka one lays
We praise your majesty every day
From dusk until the Earth grows light,
We rejoice in your countenance, O Mistress of Dendera.
We praise you with song.
You are the lady of Jubilation, the Mistress of the Iba dance,
The Lady of Music, the Mistress of Harp playing,
The Lady of Dancing, the Mistress of Tying on Garlands,
The Lady of Myrrh and the Mistress of Leaping.
We glorify your majesty – we give praise before your face.
We exalt your power over the Gods and Goddesses.
You are the Lady of Hymns,
The Mistress of the Library – the Great Seshat.
At the head of the Mansion of Records,
We propitiate your majesty every day.
Your heart rejoices at hearing our songs.
We rejoice when we see you, day by day.
Our hearts are jubilant when we see your majesty,
You are the Lady of Garlands, the Mistress of Dance
The Lady of Unending Drunkenness.
We rejoice before your face, we play for your ka.
Your heart rejoices over our performance."
-Hymn of the Seven Hathors
From the Temple of Dendera (circa 1500 BC)